Partnering with us simply means helping to support those who are taking the message of Christ wherever it’s needed most.
Your tax-deductible gift helps us respond to the needs of communities and countries near and far by providing much needed physical, spiritual, and financial support.
For a limited time and a minimum gift of $25.00, we’ll send you a hardcover copy of Debbie Deardorff’s life-changing book 'The Seventh Floor'. It's a moving recount of how she saw God through her experience with sexual assault and forced abortion as a teen, to the miraculous conception and birth of their son Jeremy, when Doctor’s gave them little hope of his survival.
Thanks for considering a gift to WWHM today!

Have you been encouraged or inspired by Debbie’s story or something on our site? Pass it on! Someone else you know could also use an uplifting word.
Sharing is easy! Our teachings are readily available to be shared on social media platforms by using the 'Share' and social media buttons next to blog posts and the Resource media player tracks.

Attend - During this challenging time, WWHM is taking the recommended precautions by our Federal, State and local governments to operate as safely as possible.
While we’ve suspended or rescheduled many of our events, we’d love to see you at one of our virtual Bible Studies. Come be a part and invite a friend! The inspiration and personal connection will do you good!
Pray - Include Debbie and WWHM into your personal prayer time. Countless hours of preparation and service go into what we do. The prayers of people like you help lift us up and support us in ways that can’t be measured.